Author / InputParty
Modem Studio CC0 database
This website shows a random collection of copyright free images collected by All of these images have been released under a Creative Commons Zero licence, making them free to use, share and modify for private as well as commercial use without the need for attribution (credits).
Creative Commons image search
This search tool lets you search for images all under the Creative Commons 0 licence. Which means these images can be used for any purpose without copyright restrictions.
Input Party XL at the Posthoornkerk
During The Input Party XL seven complete image archives of seven artists were printed and explored.
Het IISG / The Institute of Social History
The Institute of Social History has a big collection of photographs, posters, postcards, video and other documents related to social history.
Spaarnestad Photo
The Spaarnestad Collection consists of more than thirteen million photos which makes it the biggest photo archive in The Netherlands in the field of press and documentary photography.
Elective Affinities – Jasper Rigole & Egon van Herreweghe
Two artists in a temporary studio make use of a photocopy machine and a pile of old newspapers to create a constant stream of newly assembled images.
The Public Domain Review
The Public Domain Review is an online journal dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history of art, literature, and ideas.
The Wellcome Collection
The Wellcome Collection is a museum and library displaying a mixture of medical artefacts and original artworks exploring ideas about the connections between medicine, life and art.
Mnemosyne Atlas by Aby Warburg
A work by German art historian and cultural theorist Aby Warburg in the form of a picture atlas named Mnemosyne.