Author / InputParty
Parallel Encyclopedia by Batia Suter
Batia Suter’s work intuitively situates found images in new contexts to provoke surprising reactions and significative possibilities.
Atlas by Gerard Richter
Gerhard Richter’s Atlas is a collection of photographs, newspaper cuttings and sketches that the artist has been assembling since the mid 1960s.
Open Beelden / Open Images
Open Images is an open media platform that offers online access to audiovisual archive material to stimulate creative reuse.
Image Atlas
Image Atlas investigates cultural differences and similarities by indexing top image results for given search terms across local engines throughout the world.
Gerhard Richter’s “Atlas”: The Anomic Archive
A text on Richter’s Atlas and likeminded projects. On using photography as a structuring instrument.
Loose Associations by Ryan Gander
Loose Associations consists of a series of loosely associated anecdotes on often overlooked or undercover aspects of art, design and language.
Scrapbooks by Hannah Höch
German Dadaist Hannah Höch, one of the great collagists of the 20th century, kept scrapbooks of images cut out from magazines and newspapers.
New York Public Library archive
The New York Public Library Digital Collections online archive